Anthony & I are grateful to announce the official release of the first song we ever wrote together, “Never Gonna Run Dry.” It is available now to listen to on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes and more!
This song is very special to us; in addition to being the first song we wrote together, it was part of us getting back together after a breakup.
In difficult or uncertain times, many of us are tempted to turn to old wells — things that have previously provided comfort, strength, security, or whatever we’re seeking — even if they’re not God’s best.
Jeremiah 2:13 says God’s people have committed two sins:
one: they have turned away from God, who is the Fountain of Living Water, and
two: they have carved out their own wells, which are broken and can’t even hold water, let alone the Living Water that truly satisfies.
Finances could run dry, relationships could run dry, health could run dry, but there is one well that will never run dry, and that is
Jesus Christ.
As the song says — and as 1 Peter 5:7 instructs — may you "cast (your) cares before the Lord."