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Tiffany Salerno


Tiffany is a writer/editor, singer/songwriter, actress/model and host/emcee who is all about helping kids grow in character & faith — and turning Hollywood to Holywood!


She works with her husband — filmmaker, music producer and lighting expert Anthony Salerno — to produce others' dream projects and show a positive perspective of faith while entertaining audiences.


Together, they help people create and produce music, film and book projects that can lead people to get right with God and build His Kingdom on this earth.

Character-Building Resources and Worship Music for Kids

Our character-building resources are both educational and edifying, teaching classical music, the ABC's and more, all with a focus on positive character traits, including kindness, respect, thankfulness and more.


Our kids' album helps children discovery the joy of praising Jesus and declare their identity in Christ from an early age.

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Making Film and Music Dreams Come True

Name, Title

Whether you want to become an actor/model, create and release music, write and publish a book, make a movie or commercial, or grow your business, Tiffany and her husband — director, photographer, and music producer Anthony Salerno — would love to help.

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