For children and teens in this generation, it can be easy to fall into living a second-rate life, flowing with the crowd. But when today’s kids are captivated by the love, reality and Kingdom agenda of Jesus, they are eager and willing to throw all else aside to give themselves to the cause of Christ.
It was so amazing at this camp to see kids genuinely worship the Lord, especially in the slower songs, like “Waymaker,” which several kids specifically requested. God confirmed multiple ways for us to use that song in one service. When we closed the song, I shared with the kids about how much it touched my heart to see them genuinely worship the Lord, and I gave them a word about how I realized in that moment that God was touched even more, and that
their worship made Jesus happy,
which is the goal of our lives.
In response, they spontaneously started singing the worship song again, without instrumentation, just singing out their hearts to the Lord. It was a powerful moment!
And at the altar after a couple of Anthony Salerno’s powerful and convicting sermons, children shared in the microphone things that they felt God was speaking to them. Two main themes of what these 8- to 12-year-olds sensed God saying to them:
Don’t give up. Even when doing the right thing feels difficult, keep going. Keep pressing on.
We need to help and protect people in need — whether they be homeless people, those going down a sinful path, people suffering from disabilities, or even those who appear well-off but who don’t know Jesus.
Tune in to future posts here on this blog for videos of Anthony’s preaching at the camp. For now, enjoy this LIVE video of us leading our original song, “Soar,” based on Isaiah 40:31, which says, “Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
My dad, Daryl Roney, said this is his favorite song that Anthony and I have written and produced. My father-in-law, Tony Salerno, also really appreciates this song, “Soar.”
Second-rate, just getting by
I need a way that I can rise
Cuz Lord you’ve said there’s so much more
Been flowing with the crowd
They’re all walking on the ground
But Lord, You’re high above the clouds
A word from You can change my life around
I will run
And not grow weary
I will walk
I will not faint
I will rise up on wings like eagles
Cuz You will renew my strength
Jesus, You’ll be my strength
Powered by your endless love
Set my mind on things above
Lord You make my life so meaningful
Wanna fly in tune with You
Show the world the things You do
Oh with Jesus we can soar!
A word from You can turn the world around
I will run
And not grow weary
I will walk
I will not faint
I will rise up on wings like eagles
Cuz You will renew my strength
Jesus, You’ll be my strength
And we will soar
Yes we will soar
God, You make us soar
You make us soar!
I will run
And not grow weary
I will walk
I will not faint
I will rise up on wings like eagles
Cuz You will renew my strength
Jesus, You’ll be my strength
I will run
And not grow weary
I will walk
I will not faint
I will rise up on wings like eagles
Cuz You will renew my strength
Jesus, You’ll be my strength
“Soar” by Anthony & Tiffany Salerno, © 2021
Songwriters: Anthony & Tiffany Salerno
Vocalists: Anthony & Tiffany Salerno
Lead Guitarist: Anthony Salerno
Bass Player: Luke Hargestam
Drummer: Adam Perez
Videographer: Anna Kim
Video Editor: Anthony Salerno
Actions Choreographer and Motions Team Leader: Kelsey Henning
Soar Camp was the summer 2021 kids camp of Canyon Hills, held July 25-29. The church’s main campus is in Bakersfield, Calif., where the children are pastored by Steve Henning. The church also has branches in Wasco and in San Luis Obispo, where Taylor Henning serves as children’s pastor. For more information, visit