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What Sets You Free?

What I believe God told me:

“The realizations you get from My Word are what set you free.”

God’s Word, the Bible, is His love letter to you. It has infinite wisdom, layer after layer, only to be revealed by the Holy Spirit. This is applicable wisdom for our personal lives; transformational truth that speaks into our souls; accurate knowledge that will never fail; promises of God that He’s certain to keep.

Psalm 138:2 says God has

“magnified (His) Word above all (His) name.”

His Word is so important to Him that He holds it even higher than His Name. He wants all people everywhere to know His truth, and He promises to stand by what He has said in the Bible, no matter what (promises included).

Approach your Bible with humility and a relational attitude, asking God to speak to you. And don’t just rush through it.

Edmund Burke, a 1700s leader who emphasized Christianity and the Bible as essential to the foundations of society, said, “Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.”

That’s not helpful for anyone.

The Psalms often speak of meditating on God’s Word. Not speed-reading through it but really thinking about it. This may include discussing it, journaling, it, imagining it, and other ways of interacting with God through the Bible.

Whatever you do, don’t just let it sit on your shelf.

As the late Jaque Shank, founder of Visionwriters International, often said, “Put the Word in.”

Put in the Word; it will change your life.

PS: An excellent resource for getting started studying the Bible: "Life in Christ," by Tony Salerno.

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